



secti**Theoretical Study' and

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secti**Theoretical Study' and
 'Practical Applicati**.' From the theoretical point of view, psychotherapy is based upon one fundamental principle: "Thought is in act in the nascent state; it is a beginning of activity. * * * The transformation of the idea into an act may take place in two distinct ways. Either the idea becomes a positive [http://michael-kors2013.webs.com/ michael-kors2013.webs.com] act, i. e., feeling, volition, sensation, movement, or it becomes a [http://michael-kors2013.webs.com/ Michael Kors Outlet] negative act—in other words, it neutralizes the act, prevents the feeling, the volition, the sensation, the movement from being realized (se produire). Dynamogeny, inhibition—these are, briefly, two aspects of the same process." (Pp. 13, 14.) Granting this principle, all that is needed to bring about any given change is to awaken in the mind an idea of the change in question, *'. e., to give a suggestion. The suggestion may be administered by another (81-97) (hetero-suggestion), or by the patient himself (autosuggestion). It is with the latter only that Dr. Levy concerns himself. To make the auto-suggestion most effective it should be admin,stered in a state of mental repose (49) (recr/ci7/ement),and should be reinforced, when possible, by directing upon it any available emotion 'P-344 (55), and by the deliberate adoption of such conduct as the suggestion would itself, if realized, inspire (63-79) {entrainement actif). The suggestion should not be in the form of an effort to will its realization; it should rather be put as a categorical statement (52), but voluntary attention should be concentrated upon it to ensure its taking root (32) (52, note) (128). The same principle may be applied to the realization of a highly abstract ideal (Mental Hygiene, 99-120). By fixing the concept of the ideal in mind as an auto-suggestion its influence will be felt at unexpected moments, modifying the details of conduct. By will we mean nothing more than the resultant (125), as expressed in conduct, of all the active tendencies of simultaneously coexisting ideas, but it must be remembered that a small part only of these (126) are c**cious, the larger part being subc**cious. The weakness of will which prevails in modern society (French society?) is due to the fact that the intellectual, social and [http://www.michaelkorsoutlet2013.webeden.co.uk/ Michael Kors Outlet] political Michael Kors upheavals of the last century have undermined the definite convicti** which ruled the conduct of our ancestors and have given us nothing in their place (121-125). I* *8 obvious (127 ff.) that the theory of auto-suggestion, supplemented by hetero-suggestion, is the only scientific method of training the will and developing character. Such is Dr. Levy's theory. It embraces much that is true—although nothing new—but it suffers from a lack of what may be termed the quantitative sense, and an indifference to the niceties of conceptional discrimination. To take the last first, surely it is only by doing violence to the plain meaning of words that the tendency spontaneously to adopt the beliefs of others, the tendency on the part of certain ideas to give rise to the corresponding sensation, and on the part of other

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