




已有 1300 次阅读    2013-03-15 17:44   标签劳伦斯  世界  situation  usually  winning 

Taking Part Counts, Zhang Jike and Ding Ning Attend Laureus Sports Awards


It is the taking part that counts; for China抯 Zhang Jike and Ding Ning that is not usually the situation, it抯 the winning that counts.

However on Monday 11th March 2013, it was the taking part that counted.

They represented China at the prestigious Laureus World Sports Awards gala in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro; the Chinese National Table Team, following the outstanding success a the London 2012 Olympic Games, was one of the nominees for 揥orld Team of the Year?.

It was not to be gold.

The award went to Europe's victorious Ryder Cup golf team.

Great Honour for Table Tennis
Nevertheless being one of the nominees, being present in such illustrious company, was a great honour in itself, the sport of table tennis was promoted in a positive manner.

Dressed for the Occasion
Furthermore, we saw Zhang Jike and Ding Ning, never as before.

Ding Ning wore a long turquoise coloured dress whilst Zhang Jike was a debonair young man dressed in black tuxedo and bow tie.

Better Next Year
eing able to participate in this Larueus World Sports Awarding Ceremony has given me a lot of different feelings?, said Ding Ning who smiles whether in sports clothing, casual wear or dressed for dinner. 揑 hope that through us and everyone's efforts, we will be able to have another chance to win the award in the future.?

An evening to enjoy and relax but the competitive spirit is always present; for Ding Ning taking part is clearly not enough.

She will return to Rio de Janeiro in 2016 and she will be the Olympic champion, the pain of losing in the London final is so great, it hurts. Nothing could motivate Ding Ning more.

Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt was crowned World Sportsman of the Year for a third time having won the 100 metres, 200 metres and 4 x 100 metres relay gold in London.

Great Britain's 27 year old Jessica Ennis, who won Olympic heptathlon gold in London last year, was named World Sportswoman of the Year on an evening that was dominated by the London 2012 Olympic Games.

Olympians Recognised
In fact the award secured by Great Britain and Europe抯 Ryder Cup Team was the exception.

London 2012 chairman Sebastian Coe collected the Lifetime Achievement Award; British tennis star, Andy Murray, won the World Breakthrough of the Year Award after his United States Open and Olympic success.

Dominican athlete Feliz Sanchez, 35 years old, was awarded the World Comeback of the Year Award, following his Olympic 400 metres hurdles success in London, eight years after his first in Athens.

Paralympic Award
Brazil's multiple Paralympic champion swimmer Daniel Dias was named World Sportsperson of the Year with a Disability for a second time after winning six Paralympic gold medals in London.

Outstanding Career
Meanwhile, American swimmer Michael Phelps, with 22 Olympic medals, including 18 gold, was awarded the Laureus Academy Exceptional Achievement Award.

Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner won the World Action Sportsperson of the Year Award; in October 2012, he became the first human to go through the sound barrier.

Supports Foundation
Proceeds from the Laureus World Sports Awards support the work of the Laureus Sport for Good Foundation, which supports 89 community sports projects around the world.
















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